IK Pendulum Hammer and Its ApplicationIssuing time:2025-01-21 16:46Source:Pego Electronics 1. What is IK pendulum hammer? IK pendulum hammer is a professional tool designed according to IEC60068-2-75 test Eha for mechanical impact tests, it can perform the IK01 to IK11 tests as per IEC62262. The pendulum hammer can only be used on vertical surfaces without overhangings. The test apparatus consists basically of a pendulum rotating at its upper end in such a way as to kept in a vertical plane. The axis of the pivot is at 1000mm above the measuring point. The pendulum hammer is composed of a nominally rigid arm and of a striking element.
2. Structure of pendulum impact test apparatus The pendulum impact test apparatus is consists of striking elements, rigid arm and test rig. The test apparatus can help to perform the tests easily.
3. What is advantage of your design? 1). The pendulum impact test apparatus can customize the travel height (regular height 200-1200mm) to fit with different height of impact points. 2). The test apparatus equip with a rigid plane support to place or mount small specimens. For testing heavy, voluminous or difficult-to-handle specimens, the specimen can be placed on ground directly. 3). User can perform IK01 to IK11 tests in one test apparatus.
4. Application and reference standard The vertical hammer is designed according to IEC60068-2-75 and GB2423.55. It is applied to test the mechanical impact strength of plug, socket-outlet, mounting box, luminaire, substation cabinet, household appliance, EVCS and etc., which can meet the test requirements of IEC60884-1, IEC60598-1, IEC62196-1 and etc..
5. Test IK level The IK code test apparatus is applied to the tests IK01 to IK11. To produce impacts of the required severity, the striking element shall be released from a height depending on the equivalent mass of the pendulum.
6. What is the material of the striking elements? The striking element for IK01 to IK06 tests comprises a steel body with a polyamide insert having a hemispherical face. The striking elements for IK07 to IK11 is made of steel.
7. How to void the second-impacts? The hammer shall be retained after the initial impact by hand-grasping the striking element. Or user can choose the test apparatus with electric brake.
8. What models do you have?
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